
The Town’s economic development efforts are focused on retaining and expanding existing businesses, recruiting commercial, industrial, and residential development, encouraging entrepreneurial and small business development, and helping improve the overall business climate.

The Town's economic development officials market the Town by assisting businesses, conducting research, developing promotional materials, and writing grants.

The Town maintains an Economic Development Board, which serves in an advisory capacity for the Town’s activities related to economic development. The Town also works closely with the New River Valley Economic Development Alliance, which markets the region.

Industrial Development/Redevelopment

Recruitment activities in this category have focused largely on two properties, the Pulaski Industrial Campus, which is the former Pulaski Furniture facilities, and the Town of Pulaski Business Park, which is now occupied by the James Hardie Plant. Another ignificant industrial building available for use is the Hill Plant, located at the corner of Valley Street and Commerce Street.

Brownfield Redevelopment

The Town has an abundance of properties with a history of industrial use or development. A key concern of potential new industrial or commercial owners/users is the possibility of lingering environmental contamination. In 2009, the Town of Pulaski applied for and received a $200,000 Brownfield Assessment Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The funds were used to conduct environmental site assessments to clear properties for future commercial/industrial use.

A second Brownfield Assessment Grant of $200,000 was received in 2014 and is being used to focus on properties in the First Street Northeast corridor. The Town’s Brownfield Assessment Grants have yielded positive results in providing a measure of assurance for future owners and providing a foundation for planning reuse of properties.

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