On the Rise: Peak Creek Continues to Flourish

Wildlife Continues to Flock to Peak Creek
Posted on 08/13/2019

Peak Creek has long been a fixture of the Town of Pulaski; the native limestone walls were constructed over 130 years ago and still stand today, a beautiful symbol of the history of Pulaski itself. But as time has progressed, Peak Creek has seen periods of deterioration and neglect. No longer; Friends of Peak Creek has made sure of that.

Friends of Peak Creek (FOPC), a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration and maintaining of the waterway, was incorporated in 2013. Since then, their volunteers have worked tirelessly to uphold the health and beauty of the creek, often hosting clean-ups and weekly meetings at the Pulaski Train Station. For them, the volunteer work isn’t considered work; it’s more akin to a passion.

FOPC is made up some pretty important figures from around the Town of Pulaski as well. From Friends of Peak Creek’s website, they are “nine-member Board of Directors with input from representatives from the Town, County, and other local organizations.” This robust team has allotted FOPC major opportunities to express the importance of preserving Peak Creek to those in positions with the power to put practice to paper, further extending the opportunities to preserve the historic location.

Recently, wildlife has been more noticeable in Peak Creek. Today, I had the opportunity to photograph the Great Egret accompanying this article; while this isn’t a rare bird, its presence in the creek is a great signifier that the waters are healthy enough to support a steady supply of food for the bird. I’ve also seen several Grey Herons stalking the waters looking for a meal. And you’d be hard pressed to walk across one of the bridges in Town and not see at least 10 fish happily swimming along in the waters. We can’t wait to see what the future has in store for Peak Creek; we can be sure that their well-guarded by our allies Friends of Peak Creek.

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